Building a Digital Storefront That Mirrors Your In-Store Experience

Short clip of a woman typing on a laptop in a bookstore.

On the CauseLabs Resources page, we recently shared an article about how a website redesign can double your sales, inspired by Susan Alexandra’s success story in Inc. Magazine. While the CauseLabs article focuses on strategy and functionality, I’ve been reflecting on how websites can take cues from physical stores to create an engaging, customer-friendly experience.…

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Let’s Get Uncomfortable

Magnifying a face

Does your company ask you to provide constructive criticism to your colleagues? It’s common practice and it’s a good one, but I find it challenging to put negative feedback into a happy sandwich. Honestly, I’m not sure the happy sandwich works on anyone past elementary school because we all expect it. In the end, all that…

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10 Lessons I Learned in 2014

To do list

I did a lot of reading, learning and changing in 2014. There are a few things that definitely worked and other things that I know will work, but take more effort an will power on my part to make a true positive change. Some things were lessons learned through experience and conversations with my family,…

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Instead of The News

Typewriter keys

The news is gruesome. I can hardly turn it on without hearing of death and destruction. I prefer to fill my brain with better things, though I can’t completely disconnect from current events. Earlier this year I found a email newsletter service called theSkimm, which sends me a daily recap of what’s going on in…

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Let’s Tweet in 3 Easy Steps

Login to Twitter Mobile

I joined Twitter with the early adopters, but I never figured out what I wanted to do with it. About a year and a half ago, I looked at my nearly empty twitter account that had been languishing for I don’t know how long. I considered deleting it, but instead decided to use it as…

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How to “Right-Size” a Project


If you’ve been a project manager for a while, then you know that when a client says, “can you send me a scope of work?” that means, “tell me how long this will take and how much it will cost.” If you’re new to project management, then you have all of this to look forward to and whether you’re new or rather experienced, here are some pointers to help you along your way.

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Your Inner Wonder Woman

Image depicting a superhero girl.

Do you have a Wonder Woman complex? You’re not alone; I too have a super hero complex and like anything, it can be healthy in moderation. However, your desire to do everything can become unhealthy for you and those around you. Celebrate your strengths and recognize your challenges. I feel like I can or should…

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