Will Your Job Continue To Exist?

CauseLabs Team Zoom 2017

Technology has vastly transformed the job landscape and companies that thrived for decades found themselves behind the curve or worse, bankrupt and destitute.

We are at the beginning of this crazy SciFi rollercoaster. Technology continues to evolve and the pace of it is exponential. Some of these new innovations disrupt entire industries. I keep asking myself, “Will my job be relevant in five years? How about ten years?”

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Don’t just stand there.

Don't Just Stand There

Ideas lead to invention, thus, many of us are stingy with our ideas. We fear that if we share our ideas someone else will build it before we get the chance to build it ourselves. The problem with this thinking is that often times, we don’t build the majority of ideas we keep secret. An idea…

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Reality Check: How Failure Can Lead to Long Term Success

Illustration of business man in a gear

I had the great fortune of failing on my first project. Yes, you read that correctly and it was not a typo. I know it doesn’t seem like the type of thing one would be proud of, but I gained something from that experience that I continue to look for in other projects. I was…

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Learning to Innovate

EMP Museum wall in Seattle

We often look to other leaders for inspiration, guidance and motivation. Gandhi has always been one I quote often. One of my favorite quotes is: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi Depending on our perspective, there are a few ways to read meaning…

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